¿Por qué somos una fábrica del placer?

Why are we a pleasure factory?

We are the true kings of pleasure. We are very happy to manufacture the most delicious sexual cosmetics products in Colombia. With each of our intimate lubricants you will be able to increase the pleasure in your sexual relations to dream levels. In this factory we take care of conquering your heart and brain. Starting to warm up your body seems like a very simple task, but apart from your pampering or those of your partner, there are more involved in this task. Today we explain where it all starts!

Everything begins in the brain and as pleasure makers we discover that we can conquer your brain and that of your partner with new and unforgettable experiences. Did you already know that the brain is responsible for making you feel desire and pleasure? If our sexuality were a cake, the brain would be the cherry, essential to enjoy and achieve orgasm. As soon as you start to get excited, your brain releases dopamine and causes your entire body temperature to rise. If you add to this extra stimulation with new flavors, textures and sensations like those of our lubricants, then wow! The magic arrives, you get the maximum pleasure. This is called teamwork!

Our intimate lubricants, in addition to being delicious, are the most essential basic complements both to intensify pleasure during sex and to avoid pain during penetration.

Furthermore, if you suffer from vaginal dryness and want to fully enjoy sex, the lubricant It will be your best ally. We should all have a good lubricant on the nightstand, shouldn't we? Enjoy your sexual encounters as you deserve! Enjoy this Pleasure Factory!

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