playful items

¿Cómo aumentar la libido?

How to increase libido?

The level of libido or sexual desire is very subjective, as it varies depending on each person. It is important to highlight that having a low sexual desire is not...

How to increase libido?

The level of libido or sexual desire is very subjective, as it varies depending on each person. It is important to highlight that having a low sexual desire is not...

¿Qué es bondage y cómo comenzar?

What is bondage and how to start?

Bondage is the art of sexual restraints , which are performed with ropes, handcuffs, handkerchiefs, chains, etc. What is normally sought with this practice is to free oneself a little...

What is bondage and how to start?

Bondage is the art of sexual restraints , which are performed with ropes, handcuffs, handkerchiefs, chains, etc. What is normally sought with this practice is to free oneself a little...

¿Cómo salir del sexo rutinario?

How to get out of routine sex?

When relationships begin, desire and passion are stronger than ever, so much so that sex is usually wild and fun, however, when the “honeymoon” stage passes, everything begins to become...

How to get out of routine sex?

When relationships begin, desire and passion are stronger than ever, so much so that sex is usually wild and fun, however, when the “honeymoon” stage passes, everything begins to become...

Todo lo que deberías saber de las Fantasías sexuales

Everything you should know about sexual fantasies

Sexual fantasies are a whole universe that unfortunately brings with them countless taboos, however, they should not exist, since we have all fantasized about something or someone at some point...

Everything you should know about sexual fantasies

Sexual fantasies are a whole universe that unfortunately brings with them countless taboos, however, they should not exist, since we have all fantasized about something or someone at some point...

Caliente o frío ¿Cuál lubricantes es mejor para avivar la pasión?

Hot or cold, which lubricants are best for fuel...

Lubricants are a whole universe, where variety lies in pleasure, that is why there are currently so many presentations that we dare to say that there is one for each...

Hot or cold, which lubricants are best for fuel...

Lubricants are a whole universe, where variety lies in pleasure, that is why there are currently so many presentations that we dare to say that there is one for each...

¿Los lubricantes tienen beneficios en la salud sexual?

Do lubricants have sexual health benefits?

Lubricants bring great benefits to your health and sexual delight, that is why today we explain very briefly the great benefit that you can get from these wonderful products.

Do lubricants have sexual health benefits?

Lubricants bring great benefits to your health and sexual delight, that is why today we explain very briefly the great benefit that you can get from these wonderful products.